Awudi, Emmanuel

Emmanuel Awudi will present his paper on Parallel Session III on Wednesday, 9 June 2021. For more information, please click here.

Emmanuel Awudi doubles as Minister of the Gospel with the Church of Pentecost and an Adjunct Lecturer at the Pentecost University. He is currently a PhD Candidate at Akrofi-Christaller Institute (ACI) in Ghana. He holds MPhil Development Studies from the University of Cape Coast, Master of Arts in Theology and Master of Theology from ACI. His interest is in ecotheology and issues relating to religion and Development.

An Investigation into the Eco-Praxis of some Selected African Indigenous Churches towards Reimaging the Full Gospel of African Pentecostals for Sustainable Environmental Development
The emergence of several zoonotic diseases including SARS-COV, MERS-COV, Bird Flu, H1N1, Lassa fever, Ebola, and the recent Covid-19 in the 21st century seem to be pointing fingers at the kinds of violence being meted out to flora and fauna. Ecocide from the human species has resulted in several forms of ecological crises including global warming, radioactive poisoning, loss of wild/marine habits, and food web/chain poisoning, resulting in the epidemics/pandemics that have plagued the world.
Despite the consequences, Pentecostalism, the fastest growing church tradition in Africa, has done little to sustain the environment. One of the major causes has to do with the anthropocentric interpretations of their major doctrines popularly known in their circles as the ‘Full Gospel’ or ‘Four-Fold’ Gospel – Jesus the Savior, the Healer, the Baptizer of the Holy Spirit, and the Soon Coming King. But aside from the anthropocentric interpretation of the ‘Full Gospel’, it also neglects the creatio ex-nihilo and ex-vetere roles of Christ, and excludes ecological ethos.
Some African Indigenous Churches, however, show evidence of eco-praxis, contributing to sustainable development. This paper will investigate some of these eco-praxes in selected African Indigenous Churches – Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, Zimbabwean Earthkeepers, Mosuma Disco Christo and Ossa-Madih Churches in Ghana using interviews, archival records and observations. The paper aims to examine how they have cross-pollinated African primal eco-conservatory methods and biblical insights to form their own Eco-theologies and how this contributes to sustainable development. The paper aims to draw out evidence that may contribute towards reimaging African Pentecostal theologies (the Full Gospel) for a sustainable environmental development.


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